Tuesday, November 8, 2011

11/8/11 Coverage Needed!

Hello Coaches!

I know it's been a while since our last post and we hope to have atleast a few posts a month from now on!

We are going to need a number of classes covered the week of Saturday, Nov 26th thru Saturday, December 3rd.  Please review the schedule below and let us know which classes you can cover.  All of your help is greatly appreciated!!

NOTE:  ** = 1 lead coach and 1 assist coach preferred.  We will designate ahead of time.

Sunday 11/27

10:30am - Inspire**
12:30pm - Exton

Monday 11/28

9:30am - Inspire
3:15pm - Inspire
4:15pm - Inspire**
5:15pm - Inspire**

Tuesday 11/29

8:30am - Inspire
9:30am - Inspire
5:15pm - Exton
6:15pm - Exton

Wednesday 11/30

8:30am - Inspire
9:30am - Inspire
5:15pm - Exton
6:15pm - Exton

Thursday 12/1

8:30am - Inspire
9:30am - Inspire
12:00pm - Inspire
5:15pm - Exton
6:15pm - Exton

Friday 12/2

8:30am - Inspire
9:30am - Inspire
4:15pm - Inspire**

Please post to comments which classes you could cover.  We would like to post that week's schedule by the end of this week if possible!!


  1. I can help cover the afternoon classes at Inspire on Monday 11/28.

  2. Thanks Michelle! If any of those mornings work, please let us know!

  3. I can cover mornings except friday
